Failed Study Proves What We Already Know: “Abortion Pill Reversal” Is an Unsupported Claim

Article originally appeared on on July 9th, 2020.

Recently, abortion pills have been targeted with a claim without scientific support, claiming it’s possible to “reverse” a medication abortion. For those unfamiliar with the medication abortion process in a clinic setting, it consists of taking two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone, which goes by the brand name Mifeprex, is taken first and blocks the hormone progesterone which is needed for pregnancy to continue. About 24 to 48 hours after taking mifepristone, the second medication called misoprostol, often marketed as Cytotec, should be taken to complete the abortion. This pill softens the cervix and can induce contractions to expel pregnancy tissue, terminating the pregnancy.


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