The right-wing Christian movement shouldn't control the abortion narrative
Article originally appeared on MSNBC on January 22nd, 2021
Abortion touches each and every religious community, regardless of whether it is officially sanctioned. One in 4 people who can get pregnant will terminate a pregnancy by the age of 45. And they live in every religious community, in every walk of life, even if it's not always discussed. Renee Bracey Sherman, the founder of We Testify, an organization that focuses on storytelling around abortion, said, "Everyone loves someone who has had an abortion, whether they know it or not."
Silence from clergy doesn't mean congregants don't have legitimate pastoral needs in this department. Some people experience terminating a pregnancy as self-care, a cause for relief, and even joy. For others, it may bring up complex feelings, or grief, or anger, or regret. Some may feel clear in their decision; others may agonize about what to do. Some may not have, or not feel they have, a choice, whether because of their economic or family situations, immigration status, abusive relationship dynamics, or some other factor. And some people may wish to terminate a pregnancy but might not be able to.