
Pronouns: She/Her

Location: Ohio

I share my story because abortion is a very normal thing! Just like I talk about the weather, what show I watched, or where I went out to eat— I believe I should be able to speak about a regular medical procedure the same way. 

Abortion Advice: You are not alone and if you need help there are resources available for you! If you need someone to talk to about your decision— there are trained people that are available to talk. If you need financial support to pay for your care— there are funds that can help. If you need transportation or housing to receive care— there are organizations that assist with that. There’s a WHOLE community behind abortion access here to give you the support you deserve. 

How I honor my abortion: No one knows my abortion experience better than I do! I stay true to myself and my story by always holding it with confidence rather than allowing someone else’s judgement make me feel lesser about my truth. 

What I wish people knew about abortion: Abortion can be the most powerful and uplifting decision one makes! I wish I hadn’t been surrounded by such stigma and external barriers during my experience because it was ultimately the best decision I’ve ever chose. If I had the support and care I needed I would’ve felt more confident and safe during my journey.  

What is your favorite abortion on TV? BoJack Horseman “Brat Brat Pew Pew” episode

Lexi in the Press

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Daniela Diaz


Jordyn C