Angie Marie Luna


Pronouns: She/Her/Ella

Location: Chicago, IL

I share my story because my abortions were some of the best decisions in my life. They got me out of a bad relationship, they have introduced me to an amazing group of people nationwide who have also had abortions and fight for abortion access, and they allowed me to keep pursuing my academic goals. 

Abortion Advice: There are a lot of organizations that can help with funding, rides, etc. so that you don't have to do the whole process alone if you don't want to. 

How I honor my abortions: By continuing to challenge anti-abortion ideology.

What I wish people knew about abortion: You can be Catholic and be pro-abortion. People who truly love you will still love you after your abortion, and you might even be able to change their anti-abortion views. I was able to challenge my parents' view on abortion after sharing my stories with them and teaching them what I've learned about abortion through my work in repro. This has really been impactful to me because I started doing repro work in secret, hiding everything from them, and now I get to share all the exciting experiences I get to participate in with them and see them support my work. It's true, everyone loves someone who had an abortion. 

What is your favorite abortion story on TV?

I don't watch much TV but I am a die-hard fan of Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy. I love how firm she was on her decision to have an abortion and how she didn't let her partner's opposing view change her mind. She knew what she needed and stuck to it, she had decided she preferred to grow in her career than to be a mother, and was very unapologetic about it and I love that.

Angie Marie in the Press


Jenn Chalifoux


Angel Kai