Becca Rea-Holloway


Pronouns: She/Her

Location: Austin, TX

I share my story because when I had my abortion, I'd only ever heard one other person talk about theirs! I share my story confidently and often to hopefully help other people feel less alone.

Abortion Advice: It's more than OK to accept your friend/partner/family member's support! Let them drive you home and buy you ice cream! 

How I honor my abortion: I honor my abortion by talking about it unapologetically and regularly and refusing to be shamed by stigma. 

What I wish people knew about abortion: I wish that people knew how difficult it can be to access abortion care, and how prevalent the (arbitrary and stigmatizing) barriers and restrictions are. I wish that people truly believed in and valued the reality that everyone knows what's best for them and their bodies. 

Becca in the Press

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