Sheila Desai


Pronouns: She/Her

Location: Oakland, CA

Languages: Gujarati

I share my abortion story so that others seeking abortion don’t feel as alone as I did; so that my community, my nieces, my nephews, the generations that follow, know that we, too, have abortions. Should they have abortions, I hope they will see themselves reflected in my story and know that they are not alone.

Abortion Advice: You are the expert of your own life and you know what's best for you; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

How I honor my abortion: I honor my abortion by sharing my story, by loving others who have had abortions, and by celebrating myself for making the best decision I could. Having an abortion made it possible for me to become a parent when I was ready; every day I hold my family close, I honor my abortion   

What I wish people knew about abortion: Having an abortion was the best decision I could make for myself. It allowed me to pursue my dreams and have the family I wanted when I wanted. Everyone loves someone who's had an abortion and people who have abortions deserve all the love.

Sheila in the Press

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Tanya DePass

