Veronika Granado

Pronouns: She/Her

Location: San Antonio, TX

I share my story because as a teen seeking an abortion through the judicial bypass process, it was extremely difficult but it didn't stop me from making my decision. This judicial bypass process was made specifically to discourage teens from getting their abortion. Being a teen in this situation, it made me feel that what I was doing was wrong since I needed to prove to a judge that I was capable of making this decision. I want others who are going through this same process to know that they are capable and mature enough to make their own choices and to be confident that they are doing what is best for their lives and future. 

Abortion Advice: Know that your decision to have an abortion was the best for you, and to never think otherwise.

How I honor my abortion: I honor my abortion by living my life every day and knowing it was the best decision I could have made. Every day I get to celebrate my abortion because if it wasn't for that decision, I wouldn't be able to pursue my dreams of being an engineer. 

What I wish people knew about abortion: So many people get abortions, and because of that, they are able to continue to pursue their lives without being forced to make a decision they know is not best for them. Having an abortion allowed me to view my future clearly, and to let me continue to pursue my dreams without having my future decided for me.  

Veronika in the Press


Cazembe Murphy Jackson

