
Pronouns: She/Her

Location: Seattle, WA

I share my story because it's important for me to de-stigmatize abortion in the medical community and among healthcare providers. Abortion is healthcare and we should feel supported and safe to talk about it just like any other topic in healthcare. 

Abortion Advice: Feel your inner strength and power in making healthcare decisions for yourself. Allow your heart to feel all of the emotions. Also know that you are not alone in your journey--others are here to share, to support, and to uplift you. 

How I honor my abortion: I honor it by talking about it with others--loved ones and strangers. I do not regret but instead, reflect. I honor it by remembering my decision and journey when I care for others going through their own journey and decision to have an abortion.

What I wish people knew about abortion: I wish people could see the lives and the hearts of those who have abortions. Knowing abortion is common, everyone loves someone who's had an abortion. Also, abortion should be free of judgment and criminalization. It is legal, it is safe, and it is healthcare. 

What is your favorite abortion on TV? I liked the depiction of the decision to have an abortion in "Insecure" when Kelli talked about her former abortion. Introducing humor into the discussion about abortion in the media is human and normalizing. Many people decide to have an abortion, it's done, and they move on; there is no need to dramatize it. 

Ying in the Press

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Veronika Granado


Larada Lee